94. I. Khatrin, R.H. Kusuma, G.T.M. Kadja, Y.K. Krisnandi. “Significance of ZSM-5 hierarchical structure on catalytic cracking: Intra-vs inter-crystalline mesoporosity”. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 149, 110447. (2023).

93. W. Rahmah, T.H. Novita, I.G. Wenten, G.T.M. Kadja. “Perspective and Outlook into Green and Effective Approaches for Zeolitic Membrane Preparation”. Materials Today Sustainability, 22, 100345. (2023).

92. G.T.M. Kadja, M.M. Ilmi, N.J. Azhari, A. Febrianti, J.J.M. Siregar, N. Nurdini, U. Pratomo, M. Khalil, Irkham. “MXene-based nanocomposite for electrocatalytic reduction of CO2: Experimental and theoretical results”. FlatChem, 38, 100481. (2023).

91. A.R. Sanjaya, S. Amanda, T.A. Ivandini, F. Abnisa, G.T.M. Kadja, U. Pratomo, Y. Alias, M. Khalil. “Fabrication of Graphene Oxide-Decorated Mesoporous NiFe2O4 as an Electrocatalyst in the Hydrogen Gas Evolution Reaction”. Designs, 7(1), 26. (2023).

90. G.T.M. Kadja, N.J. Azhari, S. Mardiana, N.T.U. Culsum, A. Maghfirah. “Recent advances in the development of nanosheet zeolites as heterogeneous catalysts”. Results in Engineering, 17, 100910. (2023).

89. K. Umam, G.T.M. Kadja, M. Ledyastuti, C.L. Radiman. “Preparation of polyvinylidene fluoride/zeolite hybrid membrane for textile dyes filtration”. AIP Conference Proceedings 2588 (1), 020019. (2023).

88. Y. Romdoni, G.T.M. Kadja, Y. Kitamoto, M. Khalil. “Synthesis of multifunctional Fe3O4@ SiO2-Ag nanocomposite for antibacterial and anticancer drug delivery”. Applied Surface Science 610, 155610. (2023).

87. E. Pramono, K. Umam, F. Sagita, O.A. Saputra, R. Alfiansyah, R.S.S. Dewi, G.T.M. Kadja, M. Ledyastuti, D. Wahyuningrum, C.L. Radiman. “The enhancement of dye filtration performance and antifouling properties in amino-functionalized bentonite/polyvinylidene fluoride mixed matrix membranes”. Heliyon, 9(1), e12823. (2023).

86. D. Erika, N. Nurdini, I. Mulyani, G.T.M. Kadja. “Amine-functionalized ZSM-5-supported gold nanoparticles as a highly efficient catalyst for the reduction of p-Nitrophenol”. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 147, 110253. (2023).