112. C.B. Rasrendra, E.G. Maulidanti, S.E.P. Darlismawantyani, N. Nurdini, W. Rustyawan, Subagjo, G.T.M. Kadja. “Bifunctional NiMo/HY-γ-Al2O3 catalysts for an effective production of ultra-low sulfur diesel”. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 8, 100427. (2023).

111. M.L. Gunawan, T.H. Novita, F. Aprialdi, D. Aulia, A.S.F. Nanda, C.B. Rasrendra, Z. Addarojah, D. Mujahidin, G.T.M. Kadja. “Palm-oil transformation into green and clean biofuels: Recent advances in the zeolite-based catalytic technologies”. Bioresource Technology Reports, 23, 101546. (2023).

110. G.T.M. Kadja, M.M. Ilmi, S. Mardiana, M. Khalil, F. Sagita, N.T.U. Culsum, A.T.N. Fajar. “Recent advances of carbon nanotubes as electrocatalyst for in-situ hydrogen production and CO2 conversion to fuels”. Results in Chemistry, 6, 101037. (2023).

109. G.T.M. Kadja, N.J. Azhari, F. Apriadi, T.H. Novita, I.R. Safira, C.B. Rasrendra. “Low-temperature synthesis of three-pore system hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite for converting palm oil to high octane green gasoline”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 360, 112731. (2023).

108. N.J. Azhari, S. Mardiana, G.T.M. Kadja. “ZSM-48 zeolites with controllable mesopore formation: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance”. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 16, 100533 (2023).

107. C.B. Rasrendra, N.T.U. Culsum, A. Rafiani, G.T.M. Kadja. “Glycerol valorization for the generation of acrylic acid via oxidehydration over nanoporous catalyst: Current status and the way forward”. Bioresource Technology Reports, 23, 101533. (2023).

106. J. Widakdo, G.T.M. Kadja, A. Anawati, T.M. Subrahmanya, H.F.M. Austria, T.-H. Huang, E. Suharyadi, W.-S. Hung. “Graphene oxide-melamine nanofilm composite membrane for efficient CO2 gas separation”. Separation and Purification Technology, 323, 124521. (2023).
105. P.K. Jiwanti, A.M. Alfaza,G.T.M. Kadja, S.A.C. Natalya, F. Sagita, Y. Einaga, A. Purwaningsih, I. Amalina, I.N. Rizki. “Enhancement of the Catalytic Effect on the Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Formic Acid Using MXene (Ti3C2Tx)-Modified Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode”. Energies, 16(12), 4537. (2023).

104. A.N. Aisyah, D. Ni’maturrohmah, R. Putra, S. Ichsan, G.T.M. Kadja, W.W. Lestari. “Nickel Supported on MIL-96(Al) as an Efficient Catalyst for Biodiesel and Green Diesel Production from Crude Palm Oil”, International Journal of Technology, 14(2), 276-289. (2023).