13. L. Darmayanti, S. Notodarmojo, E. Damanhuri, G.T.M. Kadja and R.R Mukti. “Preparation of alkali-activated fly ash-based geopolymer and their application in the adsorption of copper (II) and zinc (II) ions”. MATEC Web of Conferences, 276, 06012 (2019).

12. M.K. Wardania, G.T.M. Kadja, A.T.N. Fajar, Subagjo, I.G.B.N. Makertihartha, M.L. Gunawan, V. Suendo, R.R. Mukti. “Highly crystalline mesoporous SSZ-13 zeolite obtained via controlled post-synthetic treatment”. RSC Advances, 9, 77-86. (2019).

11. W.P. Wicaksono, A.L. Marcharis, Y.P. Sari, P.W. Citradewi, G.T.M. Kadja. “High-yield co-solvent free electrochemical production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil using waste concrete as heterogeneous catalyst”. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2026(1), 020068. (2018).

10. T. Puspitasari, G.T.M. Kadja, C.L. Radiman, D. Darwis, R.R. Mukti. “Two-step preparation of amidoxime-functionalized natural zeolites hybrids for the removal of Pb2+ ions in aqueous environment”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 197-205. (2018).

9. G.T.M. Kadja, V.A. Fabiani, M. H. Aziz, A.T.N.Fajar, A. Prasetyo, V. Suendo, E.-P. Ng, R.R. Mukti. “The effect of structural properties of natural silica precursors in the mesoporogen-free synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-5 below 100 °C”. Advanced Powder Technology, 28(2), 443-452. (2017).

8. A.H. Mukaromah, G.T.M. Kadja, R.R. Mukti, I.R. Pratama, M.A. Zulfikar, B. Buchari. “The Surface-to-volume Ratio of the Synthesis Reactor Vessel Governing the Low Temperature Crystallization of ZSM-5”. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 48(3), 241-251. (2016).

7. M. Rilyanti, R. R. Mukti, G.T.M. Kadja, M. Ogura, H. Nur, E.-P Ng, Ismunandar. “On the drastic reduction of organic structure directing agent in the steam-assisted crystallization of zeolite with hierarchical porosity”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 230, 30-38. (2016).

6. Y. Yulizar, G.T.M. Kadja, A. Yudiana. “Fe(II)-MSA functionalized Au nanoparticle on natural zeolites as effective reducing agent for Cr(VI) ions”. AIP Conference Proceedings 1729(1), 020043. (2016).

5. G.T.M. Kadja, R.R. Mukti, Z. Liu, M. Rilyanti, Ismunandar, I.N. Marsih, M. Ogura, T. Wakihara, T. Okubo. “Mesoporogen-free synthesis of hierarchically porous ZSM-5 below 100 °C”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 226, 344-352. (2016).