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48. M. Khalil, F. Naumi, U. Pratomo, T.A. Ivandini, G.T.M. Kadja, J.Y. Mulyana. “Coexposed TiO2’s (001) and (101) facets in TiO2/BiVO4 photoanodes for an enhanced photocatalytic fuel cell”. Applied Surface Science, 542, 148746. (2021).

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45. Ismunandar, N. Nurdini, M.M. Ilmi, E. Maryanti, G.T.M. Kadja. “Investigation on the Crystal Structures of Hematite Pigments at Different Sintering Temperatures”. Key Engineering Materials 874, 20-27. (2021).

44. F. Primayudha, D.N. Sahdarani, G.T.M. Kadja. “The relationship of volcanic facies and temperature range derived from the associated clay mineral in Gunung Endut, Banten”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1725(1), 012073. (2021).

43. M. Kurniawati, N.J. Azhari, G.T.M. Kadja, R.R. Mukti, S. Notodarmojo. “Conversion of coal fly ash into advanced crystalline materials”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 623(1), 012040. (2021).

42. N.J. Azhari, S. Mardiana, G.T.M. Kadja. “On the Effectiveness of Hierarchical Zeolite Catalyst for Isomerization of Biomass-Derived Compound”. Journal of Research and Development on Nanotechnology 1 (1), 23-27. (2021).