130 N.T.U. Culsum, A. Kismanto, P. Zuldian, N.K. Supriatna, S. Yarsono, L.M.T. Nainggolan, A.A. Raksodewanto, O. Fariza, F.J. Ermada, D.G.D. Saribu, M. Khalil, G.T.M. Kadja, An overview of catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste over base catalysts, J Anal Appl Pyrolysis 183 (2024) 106828.

129. J.A.Y. Susanto, A.J. Widagdo, M.G. Wijanarko, M. Yuliana, S.B. Hartono, S.P. Santoso, G.T.M. Kadja, C.J. Wijaya, A. Ayucitra, E.S. Retnoningtyas, Hidayat, S. Ismadji. “Twisted-chiral mesoporous silica from coconut husk waste designed for high-performance drug uptake and sustained release”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 367, 112973. (2024).

128. M.L. Gunawan, A. Muntaqin, M.A. Saraswati, N. Nurdini, Subagjo, G.T.M. Kadja, C.B. Rasrendra. “Supreme efficacy: The ultrahigh performance of ZnO adsorbent for ambient-temperature H2S removal in integrated H2S–N2 gas”. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 9, 100615. (2024).

127. M.M. Ilmi, N.J. Azhari, S. Mardiana, F. Sagita, Gr.T.M. Kadja. “Nanotechnology and the renewable energy–water–environment nexus” in The Renewable Energy-Water-Environment Nexus. (2024).

126. A. Kusumaatmaja, M.N. Manaf, S.N. Hidayat, K. Triyana, F. Rahma, G.T.M. Kadja, M. Yunus. “The Spatial Arrangement of The Electric Field in the Needle-Plate Electrospinning”. Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics, 13(2), 201-205. (2023).

125. W.W. Lestari, D. Ayudia, R. Putra, F.I. Prihadiyono, M. Firdaus, V.A. Rosari, U.S.F. Arrozi, G.T.M. Kadja, Y.P. Budiman. “Post-Synthesis Modification of Zirconium(IV)-BTC Based MOF with Palladium Nanoparticles as Catalyst in the Hydrogenation Reaction of Citronellal”. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. (2023).

124. R. Megayanti, M. Hidayat, N. Cahyaningtyas, M. Sanmurjana, Z.N.M. Yahya, F. Sagita, G.T.M. Kadja, T. Marhaendrajana. “Effect of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Surfactants and Their Impact on the Interfacial Properties of the Oil–Water–Rock System”. ACS Omega 2023, 8(41), 38539–38545. (2023).

123. G.T.M. Kadja, S.A.C. Natalya, F. Balqis, N.J. Azhari, N. Nurdini, A. Sumboja, R.S. Rahayu, U. Pratomo, M. Khalil, Irkham. “Gold Nanoparticles−Supported Ti3C2 MXene Nanosheets for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.” Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 36, 101059. (2023).

122. G.T.M. Kadja, N.J. Azhari, N.T.U. Culsum, M. Ledyastuti, C.L. Radiman. “New development in polymeric materials characterization and modelling”. Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. (2023).